
HuisVeendam BV
Transportweg 38
NL 9645 KZ Veendam
+31 (0)6 222-32-099

About Us. A small story about how HuisVeendam became what they are today.

Tjeerd Veenhoven is a product designer with a love for inventing materials and production techniques. In his mind being a designer is much more than just esthetics or expressing trends. From his design studio in the North of Holland he experiments with materials and crafts from all over the world developing new products to strengthen local economies, ecological awareness and design thinking.
Tjeerd Veenhoven is 36 and is founder of Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven. Besides that he is part of several innovation platforms. Through workshops and teaching he spreads awareness on bio based materials and the power of design thinking. The PalmLeather project is an award winning and exemplary of how design can promote eco friendly materials and social responsibility.  In 2012 he cofounded HuisVeendam, an innovation platform and design label to promote starch technology and design thinking in product development, from raw material to end product and beyond.
DDW23 / Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven >> Find_Us @ Strijp-S area, Microlab Hall, Kastanjelaan 400, Eindhoven
Dynaplak is located in the North of Holland in-between the potato fields, where almost a century ago the development of starch based derivates began. Throughout three family generations starch technology & starch making was carried over. To combine the knowledge of modification technology and production methods, the brothers Erik & Koos Slor founded the new company in 1996.
With a reputation for new concepts that help our customers build new sustainable markets, Dynaplak continues to show the way forward – we’re currently working closely with consumer trends towards green products as important factors in their long term strategy decisions, linking consumer insights with tangible product development. The primary objective of Dynaplak’s R&D organization is to (pre)actively and creatively support our customers, thereby creating successful, innovative products of value for our customers and which satisfy consumer needs.
The focus of our research is towards new products which perform better and at lower impact than existing oil/gas based (raw)materials and which are innovative, safe and environmentally friendly. The structure of the R&D department mirrors the operating divisions, in addition to a pilot plant for scaling-up starch modification. The majority of our active research projects are very closely connected with our customers’ needs and this ensures that we work very closely with the creation, application and business development teams of our Starch_Based and Equipment divisions.
In 2012 we cofounded HuisVeendam to fast forward & implement new upcoming technology combined with a designers view. This new approach leads to a new ‘development triangle’ driven from raw material to end products.
Why. The rural riches in the North of Holland evaporated with the arrival of oil. A long tradition of natural fiber and potato starch technology disappeared. With the scarcity of oil nearby, the remarkable properties of starch are rediscovered and modified to offer sustainable solutions. HuisVeendam aims to show that this local resource once more can drive industry, create local wealth, and inspire designers to implement it in design and fashion.
What. HuisVeendam develops products based on starch. We apply the technology of modifying starch for upgrading waste resources, replacing synthetics and enhancing local plant fibers. The products we develop are eclectic and multidisciplinary. We offer our partners a rapid innovation process with which we aim to maximize the markup on their raw materials. The designs we generate are presented in the collection of HuisVeendam and are exemplary of how design can speed up the innovation process and lead the way in sustainable change.
How. In our design studio, lab & pilot facility we modify the countless properties of potato starch from raw material to applied end products. The collaboration with our many interdisciplinairy partners is what makes us unique , something we value the most. Therefore, HuisVeendam is best compared with a fashion house; a place that makes mundane materials into exceptional and character defining products, to pave the way for new sustainable materials to become part of our daily lives.